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You can play a part in helping young people to discover their worth, see new possibilities for their future, and contribute positively back into the community through kickstart youth centre.



You can easily make one off or regular donations to our bank account (include your name as a reference if you would like a receipt).


Upper Hutt Community Youth Trust

03 - 0774 - 0018060 - 00


Email us ( with your details we can send you a receipt so you can claim 33% back as a tax benefit.




Kickstart is looking for 50 people to become part of our Future50 supporters group.​


Future50 supporters commit for a year to weekly financial support of Kickstart to help deliver often unfunded programmes to young people


For more info and to signup to be a Future50 Supporter click below.



Switch Your Spend is a simple way to help us raise money to do good stuff.  


Just purchase quality products from the switch your spend online store and nominate kickstart as the charity to receive 50% of the profit.


Switch your spend stock "Ecostore" and "Only Good" products with more coming online soon!


Your order then arrives in a few days and we get paid 50% of the profit from your order


Check it out now on


Our biggest need is to have skilled youth workers on the ground connecting with the young people we work with. 


For just $5 per week (the price of a regular café-style coffee), you can help to fulfill that need by directly supporting a youth worker for an hour of youth mentoring per month.


It's super easy to sign up!

Kickstart is kindly supported by...
Wellington Community Trust
Ann Sinclair Charitable Trust
Winton & Margaret Bear Charitable Trust
T G Macarthy Trust
Ministry of Youth Development
Upper Hutt Cossie Club
Hutt Mana Charitable Trust
Upper Hutt City Council
Digital Wings
Hutt Rotary
Infinity Foundation
The Local Church
Nikau Foundation
Tai Shan Foundation
Baptist Community Ministries
Pelorus Trust
Trust House
The Lion Foundation
Lottery Community

© 2014 - 2025

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