Our current programmes and services
Girls Programme
Friday Afternoon
Youth Hangs

Kickstart Hangs are in our Kickstart Youth Space. Its open on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays after school from 3pm till 5pm, and is where we base a number of our programmes during the week.
We have Free food, PS4 and Xbox, board games, pool table, free wifi, recording studio, barista training and heaps more in our youth centre.
Our offices are also based from here and the venue is on Ward Street, just behind the netball courts next to Heretaunga College. Check out the map on our contact us page.
Like a Girl is a response to conversations and journeying with young women about what they wished they had known in college.
It is a multisession programme delivered in either a full day workshop or over a term with groups of 20-30 students.
The programme covers topics such as budgeting, relationships, body image, social media. All things that affect young women today, with some good practical advice and fun activities.
This programme is delivered to 800 young women a year.

Toa Navigators is a programme specifically designed for (but not limited to) Maori and Pasifika students. There is a focus on cultural identity..
Our hope through this program is that young people would come away with an understanding of what has and can shape the way they view themselves in their culture both positively and negatively. A core part of this program is to inspire healthy conversations and activities that would create a safe space for young people to build connections with each other and build a sense of pride in who they are culturally.
Another key aspect of the programme is in providing real tangible work ready skills for young people. This includes funding their drivers licence and other work ready skills.
As an organisation we place a huge focus on building relationships with young people.
We do this both through our connections to local colleges and intermediates and connections to young people in the community.
If you need some extra help, or would like a mentor get in touch with one of our friendly youthworkers and we can see what we can arrange.

Spearhead leadership is a collaborative initiative between Upper Hutt City Council and Kickstart, funded by the Ministry of Youth Development and Upper Hutt City Council.
It's an exciting leadership development opportunity, free for young people aged between 15 and 18, and includes an outdoor pursuits weekend (white water rafting, high ropes course, etc.), some great leadership training, new friends, and facilitation of projects to benefit young people in Upper Hutt.
Watch this space for info on the 2022 Spearhead Leaders intake.
Kickstart involves two things we are passionate about - young people and coffee! We have multiple coffee machines at our youth centre which provides Barista training for young people with NCEA credits (in association with Capital Training).
Look for our Coffee Cart at events around the Hutt Valley and when you grab a coffee from kickstart you are helping kickstart a young persons career.
To enquire about booking our coffee cart for your event please get in touch with us on kickstart@uhcyt.org.nz

Dream Kings is an initiative working with young men from our local colleges.
This programme is run to help young men dream of being the best people they can be and the sessions are
based around Toiora (Wellbeing), Manaakitanga (Caring for others), Mahi tahi (Working together) and
Takohanga (Responsibility).
Manawaroa is a life skills and self efficacy programme that we deliver to Intermediate schools in Upper Hutt.
We are currently involved with Maidstone Intermediate and Fergusson Intermediate delivering 8 x 1 hr workshops with each class of students.
Each session is delivered by a team of four or five youth workers and includes small groups.

Tu Manawa is a physical activity programme designed for young people who may not be involved in physical activity.
Its based around removing the barriers to physical activity (such as cost and transport), and works with a group of 10 young people at a time to create positive experiences with physical activity.
Akonga Is a programme for groups of taiohi (youth) from colleges and intermediates who wānanga (learn) together to discover their mauri (potential, strengths), and build up their mātauranga (knowledge) by learning off each other, learning about themselves, serving others, and connecting with the community.
This is currently run in Fergusson Intermediate, Heretaunga College and Upper Hutt College

Thrive is a Wellbeing programme designed for young women ages 13-15, years 9-11. It is a 8 week programme which spans over the course of one term, one session each week.
The heart behind THRIVE comes from an observed need in our school communities for conversations about mental health. This is a huge issue many of our young people struggle with, and we believe that by creating spaces that provide young women with belonging, a safe space to share openly and vulnerably, and practical tools and experiences, this will help to shift their views and understandings regarding positive wellbeing.
Kickstart can and does provide support for camps and other activities for schools. We love to help with activity days, EOTC camps and other activities that connect with young people.
We have substantial Adventure Based Learning resources and all our staff are trained in facilitating groups.

This programme is being run to give young women fun experiences in doing physical activity. It seeks to broaden the perspective that exercise is only found in sport, and provide fun alternatives to sport for physical activity.
This programme is run most terms through our local Upper Hutt Colleges.
Kickstart can and does provide support for leadership development for schools and groups.
Get in touch if this is something that would interest you. We've worked with school leadership teams and groups wanting leadership development.